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158 results

Female bowl-bearing figure

The female figure is the most common motif in Luba art.
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Twin figure

An ere ibeji is a carved wooden figure of a twin who died in childhood.
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Wire frames for surface tension study

Thanks to Neyt, Joseph Plateau managed to capture the fragile soap bubbles in three-dimensional stereo photographs.
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Ammonites are extinct, squid-like molluscs that lived in a spiral shell.
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Volcanic slag

This particular collection continues to be one of the largest collections with respect to the geological composition of the Galápagos Archipelago.
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Cast of a horse’s cerebral arteries

Leonardo da Vinci invented this technique in order to be able to study anatomical structures, such as arteries, outside of the human body.
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Glossopteris fossil leaves

The distribution of the Glossopteris genus was a key argument in favour of the continental drift hypothesis.
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Tomb stele of Hetepe and Iki

This tomb stele comes from Abydos. This was one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Egypt.
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Wax model of a woman’s face with leprosy

His collection, that was also exhibited at fairgrounds and circuses, was intended to inform visitors about ‘risky sexual or social practices’.
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Lavoisier-Laplace calorimeter

By measuring how much ice melted, Lavoisier was able to calculate how many calories the guinea pig was burning.
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