GUM is closed on Wednesdays.
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Schools & students

Discover & Learn
Schools can visit the GUM and Botanical Garden for interactive tours and workshops about scientific thinking and about the work of scientists. The GUM challenges pupils to take a critical view and stimulates scientific literacy. Students are also very welcome to the GUM. They contribute to the museum's function as a forum. A place for science, doubt and art.

GUM & Botanical Garden for schools

Tours & workshops in the GUM and the Botanical Garden
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GUM & Botanical Garden for students

The GUM is a meeting place for students from higher education.
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MuST - Museum Student Team

Discover what MuST is and what MuST does.
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GUM for teachers

Training courses, teacher days, ... The GUM will be a partner of educational professionals.
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School visit: practical details

All you need to know to visit the GUM and the Botanical Garden with your class.
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With support of

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