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Artist-in-residence: Lennert De Vroey

Maak kennis met onze nieuwe artist-in-residence: Lennert De Vroey. Sinds enige tijd werkt Lennert bij GUM & Plantentuin aan 'Palm'(werktitel). Tijdens Late Donderdag van 6 juni kun je genieten van zijn actuele werk over palmbomen. Iedereen is van harte welkom om deze unieke voorstelling bij te wonen. De performance eindigt op tijd voor het Palmarium-concert (20u). Ook na Late donderdag blijft Lennert De Vroey resideren bij ons.



  • Taal/Language: English

  • Date: 6/06/2024 - 19u

  • Place: Victoriakas, Botanical Garden (meeting at entry kas)

  • Duration: 40’ 

  • Free, without registration

Lennert De Vroey is theatermaker, schrijver en onderzoeker. Momenteel is Lennert artist-in-residence bij GUM & Plantentuin, in het kader van de New Master Nomadic Residencies van Gouvernement. Eerder werkte hij aan het project bij KWP, wpZimmer, Zuidpool & de School van Gaasbeek. 

Palm (sharing/work-in-progress) 

On the occasion of Late Thursday, theater maker Lennert De Vroey will be sharing a part of his ongoing work on palm trees. The performance will finish in time for the concert at the Palmarium (20h). 

 Palm (working title) is an artistic research project developing towards a lecture-performance, looking into palm trees. Their waving leaves and rich harvests are reminiscent of both Paradise and Plantation. Palms are a symbol for the ‘South’, and thus perhaps also say something about how we often look at that South: as a holiday resort, as well as the orchard of the world (today primarily for palm oil). 

 The palm tree transformed from a tree of life (the oil palm in West Africa, the date palm in the Middle East, the coconut palm on the Pacific islands) into an often displaced cash crop; it moved from the heart of nature to the core of plantation capitalism. Eduardo Galeano explained “the poverty of the people as a consequence of the wealth of the land”. Then how are perceptions of the South on one side, and its exploitation on the other, related? 

Through the lens of the palm tree, Lennert tries to reflect on his own relations with the South and faraway parts of the globe, as a consumer in a globalised economy. 

  • scenografie & advies door Elisa Palm 

  • met steun van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap 

palmarium artist residency

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